Architects are a secret order, the last bastion of hope in these turbulent and unsettling times. The Architects remain steadfast in their belief as they attempt to free the lands from the oppressive control of The Grift.
Owning an Architect NFT will give you admittance into the secret order, the rest is up to you. Join the order and transmute your reality.
10,000 Max Supply
Minting will take place on the Backbone Launchpad after the Streamswap process and the minting of $CULT concludes. You will need “redacted” $CULT in order to mint one Architect NFT.
Deposit $USDC, get $CULT. You will have 72hrs to deposit $USDC in the StreamSwap pool (bootstrapping phase) After 72hrs the $USDC will be swapped to $CULT in 1 hour (streaming phase). You will then be able to claim your $CULT. Deposit/withdraw $USDC at any stage, allowing for a fair launch and price discovery of $CULT.
$CULT, as well as being a store of value, will be able to upgrade your NFT by performing the Rites, one of our oldest and most powerful rituals. Successfully performing this ritual will enhance your Architect NFT allowing it to ascend the ranks of the order.
Via our interactive Rites dashboard on the website. The Rites interface will allow you to upgrade your Architects NFT, accomplishing on-chain missions will earn you coveted badges which will give you the ability to perform the Rites.
The Rites Badges are milestones on your journey into the secret order. Badges will be displayed on the Rites dashboard and will give you the ability to upgrade your Architect NFT.
The Architects are a standout gamified collection pioneering dynamic NFT contracts, meaning your NFT will be upgradeable but that’s not all! Like all past Backbone collections and in collaboration with Archway, Architect NFTs will provide users with a community owned liquid staked token in $bARCH, meaning you will earn $bARCH for owning Architect NFTs.
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